Thursday, 14 March 2013


Those who despise the Corporate Anointing and gathering of the saints will not participate in the coming move of the Spirit. Those who despise my Spirit, says the Lord, will not be immersed in the rivers of life, but rather languish in dry land and desolate place. The church must begin to cherish one another and place great value on their brethren, if these waves of the Spirit will be sustained and result in widespread global and enduring restoration move of God and awakening of the Spirit. The capacity and container that will accommodate the flood of the coming rain of the Spirit is the unconditional love of God.
The love of God must begin to fill our hearts beyond human imagination. The LORD our GOD is calling the church to an effective love-walk. Our love-walk will serve as the springboard to the manifestation of God’s power in the coming seasons of our lives. Our divine mandate is only fulfilled in our love-walk. Love is the LORD’s commandment to the church. If you fulfill all other commandments but fail in the commandment of love, you have failed in all. But if you obey the commandment of love, then you have fulfilled all of the requirements of God.
The LORD will begin to entrust great authority into the hand of loving people, thus, and only as they get more devoted to loving the Lord and loving one another. If God’s people will learn to love, then heaven will anoint the church with great power. It is high time for folks in Christ to begin to pray for one another with deep compassion and love. Prayers that are motivated by love and compassion will arise to the LORD in heaven, and the LORD GOD of Elijah will answer by fire. The fire of revival will consume the fears of His people and deliver them from their snares. The emerging church is a Power-church. The LORD will announce His church in the coming season with fire! The fire of His Presence will advertise the initiatives and activities of the Church and the nations will treble at the majesty of the King of glory. God’s powerful people will be known as the burning ones; they will be defined by spiritual hunger and consumed with the love of God.
The LORD will begin to judge the spirit of pride and arrogance that lead men and women to dissociate themselves from their own brethren. There is a spirit of error that is pervading the church under the disguise of spirituality. This error starts with hurt when not dealt with, results in bitterness. Then, once bitterness gains root deep within, critical spirit is formed.
1 Corinthians 14:1
1 ¶ Pursue love, and desire spiritual gifts, but especially that you may prophesy.   (NKJV)
1 Corinthians 13:1
13 And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.   (NKJV)
The God of heaven and earth is releasing great grace upon the church for the unveiling of His counsel, mind and heart to the intent that the kingdom of God will find free expression in our age and generation through His people. The Church has come into the season of brighter illumination and clarity in the Spirit. The word of God will be revealed than ever before and the mysteries of Christ will be distinctly understood by those seeking intimacy with Him. If the primary desire of our heart is to be the Lord’s companion and become His habitation in the earth; then, the Spirit of revelation and wisdom will be mightily at work in us to judge every trace of darkness within and reveal God’s glory in you. Light will shine forth from heaven above to align the path of those whose hearts are set towards knowing the Lord’s heart and doing His will.
God is causing a mighty stirring in the heart of His children towards attaining the standard of Christ set before them by the Spirit of God. Every season of your life from this year AD 2013 will be famous for specific revelation of Jesus that will set the standard of God’s requirements and demands before you - set the tune for God’s dealing in due season – and chart the course for the Prophetic revelation of your destiny in God. The Lord is bringing the body of Christ to the place of deeper dealings of the Spirit. The Lord is drawing His children’s attention more and more towards His Corporate and Personal dealing with them, so that they will be more strategic and deliberate in their devotion towards pleasing Him and doing His will. 
Ephesians 1:17-20
17 that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him,
 18 the eyes of your understanding being enlightened; that you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints,
 19 and what is the exceeding greatness of His power toward us who believe, according to the working of His mighty power
 20 which He worked in Christ when He raised Him from the dead and seated Him at His right hand in the heavenly places   (NKJV)
AD 2013 marks the beginning of a new era in the realm of the Spirit when God’s faithful servants, handmaidens, and children that have refused to waver to the left or right, but rather stayed focus on His instructions and commandments over the years. The Lord will place the seal of His endorsement on those committed to His dealings. He will begin cover them with His goodness and build them a sure house. The Lord will begin to honour and visit those that have consistently resisted the temptation to succumb to the Spirit of compromise. And because you are devoted to building according to the divine pattern- because you have refused to partake of the delicacies of the kings of the earth- because you have chosen not to stain your garments of righteousness; therefore, I will come to you with mercy, says the Lord. I will show you the path of life and manifest myself unto you. In the coming seasons of famine of the word of God and scarcity of the Spirit, I will rain righteousness upon you and shower mercy upon your field. You will experience unprecedented atmosphere of the Spirit and the wild-fire of revival will burn brightly in your heart.
These are the days when the love of many is waxing cold; I will renew your youth like eagles to attain new heights in the Spirit, says the Lord. You will occupy new frontiers and possess new territories by my Spirit. I declare this new phase of your life a season of Open doors for the advancement of heaven’s Prophetic initiatives and agendas, says the Lord. I declare it the season of Apostolic recovery and Governmental take over. The might of Jehovah is being forcefully unveiled to showcase kingdom-dominion in the earth.
Powerful Apostolic and Prophetic authority is coming abundantly upon those who are constantly waiting upon the LORD to perceive His mind and understand His ways. A height level of spiritual authority and intensity of God’s dispensation is coming upon those that have consistently occupied their watch in the Spirit to discern times and seasons. The Lord is calling His children to go the extra-mile to please Him and be sold out to will. He is anointing those giving to His pleasures with His holy ointments to manifest His power and show forth my glory in the earth.
 Malachi 3:17-18
17  They shall be Mine," says the LORD of hosts, "On the day that I make them My jewels. And I will spare them As a man spares his own son who serves him."
 18 Then you shall again discern Between the righteous and the wicked, Between one who serves God And one who does not serve Him.    (NKJV)


Kingdom Emphasis is a blog that serves the body of Christ with meat in due season. It focuses on disseminating Present-truths and Current Speakings of God for our generation with the intent of providing insight, clarity, direction and depth. For more details about timely Prophetic and insightful messages, please visit our You may also email:,, Call: +234-8060600606, +234-8054422483, +2348035384144, +2348024453357.

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