Monday, 18 February 2013



The God of heaven and earth is calling the body of Christ unto priesthood. In the seasons ahead, the Lord is restoring our priestly ministries, and this is not just referring to the fivefold ministry gifts of Christ but about the saints of God. We, the children of God, are His royal priesthood- every child is a priest. The Lord wants us in His presence beholding His face; He desires intimacy and a very close walk this year. The essence of the priesthood is intimacy; when we dwell in his presence we will be illuminated, we will be full of light and this light will dispel darkness. We will be guided by the light from his presence. In beholding his face, we will find true healing for our hurts and pain; we will begin to understand the true meaning of God’s love.  The love of God is being poured out. I see a lot of fallen soldiers restored. Men and women of God who had been beaten by the devil are being healed by the power of the father’s love through the power of intercession.

2013, there is a call to deeper devotional walk with God. We must consecrate our lives. Grace has been released for victory; we will overcome all forms of defilement as we spend time in prayer. You will walk in victory over anger, covetousness and every kind of infirmity of the flesh and spirit. Set yourself apart, receive fresh impetus, fresh drive and passion, experience the heart of flesh and be healed from a stony heart. In his presence your heart will become tender, I will enable you says the Lord, I will empower you with my might. The church talking about my children has been under so much reproach because of filthy garments, sins of the heart. As we commit ourselves to spending time in his presence, we will find deliverance from secret sins and the garment of reproach will be rolled away. Grace, there is coming the rain of grace for those who obey the call to exercise their priestly duties, the heavens will open up and the impossible will become possible.

Joshua 3:5

5 And Joshua said to the people, "Sanctify yourselves, for tomorrow the LORD will do wonders among you."

2 Corinthians 7:1

1 ¶ Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.


Churches that are driven by the desire to succeed and to make name in the sight of man will be adversely exposed to the intrigues of the evil one and will be unprepared to resist them. Such churches will become platforms for lying spirit to operate and incite deception, greed and strife in the hearts of God’s people that are gullible and insensitive in the Spirit. Carnality and sins will be multiplied in churches where the people are not chasing after God; instead, pursuing the acquisition of material assets. The Spirit of God is being presently grieved by the high-level of compromise and worldliness in the church today. A lot of our churches are trying to seek relevance with the world. Wrong standards are being set for believers and folks are being put under pressure to conform to the image of the beast.
Therefore, the Lord will begin to depart from places where the worship and love of mammon is being ardently practiced. God’s judgment will begin from His church. The Lord will begin to purge His people from all these impurities and will begin to drive out the spirit of buying and selling- HE will begin to expel the act of merchandizing of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Subsequently, truth will be restored in the church and the demonstration of the Spirit and power will become a common place experience.

1 Peter 4:17-19
17 For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God?

 18 Now "If the righteous one is scarcely saved, Where will the ungodly and the sinner appear?"

 19 Therefore let those who suffer according to the will of God commit their souls to Him in doing good, as to a faithful Creator.   (NKJV)

The Lord will begin to honour and elevate platforms and churches where the ways of God are being ardently taught and constantly proclaimed. He will begin to restore the power and purity of the gospel of Jesus Christ in the church. We will see lives that are broken and crushed completely restored through the power of the Truth of the gospel. Heaven will begin to promote places where the integrity and purity of the word of God are being preserved. The Lord of harvest is calling forth centers in the earth where the undiluted word of God are being taught and proclaimed. HE will begin to glorify such platforms and release authority upon them to gather the harvest HE is releasing into the Church. The rain of righteousness is coming mightily upon the earth. And it will flood and fill the whole earth with the manifest-presence of God and bring forth God’s glory for mankind to behold. The coming rain will refresh the church and release waves of the Spirit.
The waves of supernatural healing and demonstration of the miraculous will be mightily revealed in the church. Signs and wonders will resurface in the church with greater intensity and strength. The heathen will witness rough miracles and naked Power of the cross again. I perceive the level of the miraculous coming upon the church will harvest and draw many muslims and atheists into God’s kingdom and faith of our LORD JESUS. The whole earth will witness the demonstration of saving Power of the cross anew. The mercy of the LORD will be unleashed in the earth and God’s sovereign move will visit mankind to reveal Christ, the King of Glory.

Waves of God’s awe and sovereign move are coming into the church to strengthen God’s children and their resolve in the will of God. The corporate fellowship of believers whose gathering is unto the LORD: to seek and know, will be graced with the fire of God’s presence. The awe of the LORD will be greatly revealed in corporate meetings of God’s people like never before. The Most High will constantly envelope the gathering of the saints with intense atmosphere of the Spirit; and such powerful atmosphere will come with the awe of God to arrest people in their sins with the conviction of the Holy One and new their commitment to the word of God. In the coming seasons, we will witness in the church, powerful move of the Spirit that will lead to widespread repentance from sins in the earth and brokenness of heart unto the LORD among God’s people.

 Isaiah 43

18 "Do not remember the former things, Nor consider the things of old.

 19 Behold, I will do a new thing, Now it shall spring forth; Shall you not know it? I will even make a road in the wilderness And rivers in the desert.   (NKJV)


The awe of God will also prompt the consciousness of God’s presence in the church. It will reinforce the conviction of God’s children to come out of their comfort zone and step out of their fears to dare the GOD of heaven and the earth. And as a result, the Lord will begin to fulfill His unfailing word and perform His determinate counsels to honour His covenant with His people. The true church will stand out amid oppositions and compromise in the coming years because of their reinforced conviction in the LORD. The LORD will greatly demonstrate His might and strength through His sons and daughters. God’s manifest-presence will robe the church with the cloak of supernatural boldness to arise and overcome every adversity and work of darkness. The Spirit of boldness from the LORD will fill and intoxicate God’s children that are committed to walking in the Spirit, and they will manifest the spectacular and do the unusual. It’s high-time for the church to break the jinx of limitations and restrains holding the church bond. The God of heaven and earth declares that it is time to do the impossible. The LORD will arise through the obedience of His people and He will back up their words and honour their faith in His word.

Zechariah 12:8
8 "In that day the LORD will defend the inhabitants of Jerusalem; the one who is feeble among them in that day shall be like David, and the house of David shall be like God, like the Angel of the LORD before them.  (NKJV)

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