The Lord God is raising custodians of true riches, one of the things that we are going to see happen at an accelerated rate from the year 2014 is that wealth will begin to grow wings and they will begin to fly away from the hands of many who have previously controlled it. However, the Lord is raising people who are faithful to His name, those who are faithful to His righteous cause. He is equipping and training men and women who are looking anxiously to his appearing. He is raising true partners to walk with in the coming harvest.
“Souls will be harvested”, says the Lord, and righteousness will fill the earth. The Lord is raising a company of people- those who fear His name and those who share his burden. The kingdom of God will swallow up kingdoms and systems of this world; the mountain of the Lord's house will be exalted above all other hills and mountains. God is raising burden carriers; the Lord is arousing in His church holy burdens. The nations will ultimately be submerged in the knowledge of the glory of God.
Those who bear the burden of the Lord and share his passion for kingdom advancement are the ones who will eventually become custodians of true riches. He is equipping and mobilizing custodians of true riches – those who will fear His name. More than ever before, the sovereign King is bequeathing to sinners, travails to labor, to gather and heap up wealth and resources in preparation to the coming transfer of heavenly treasures. “The time of wealth transfer” has come, says the Lord. The world will witness massive transfer of wealth like never before beginning from this year onward.
Globally the world will witness a radical transfer of finances. Power will change hands. The Lord is saying to the earth, "I am going to establish my reign and dominion over all the earth, says the Lord. The ends of the earth belong to me, I am going to establish my influence- my reign- and authority because it is time for the whole world to know that silver is mine and gold is mine. I will use these silver and gold to build my temple; I will implement my will and purposes, and enforce my righteousness in the earth, says the Lord. I am raising a people that will partner with me, a people that will not struggle with my will. A people that will yield to the Lord and allow the vision of the harvest to be imprinted in their hearts. I am raising a people, says the Spirit of God.
These custodians of true riches will attract the Lord's attention and win His trust; therefore, there is no good thing that the God of heaven will withhold from them. Even though, they have suffered resistance for so long, but all of a sudden they will break out of their struggle and walk in the power of God’s supernatural prosperity and financial blessing. The ostracized will become a force to reckon with. The Lord of Host will raise them from the dusts and from the dunghills and placed them upon the throne of glory.
The custodians of true riches will come into the power and dominion of Christ's kingdom, and reign with Him. “They are my servants”, says the Lord. They are my bond-servants – dead to their own agenda and surrendering their will to the Lord. The bond servants are those who are absolutely selfless and extremely generous; the courageous, the radical, the daring, and the risk-takers. These are the fearless and broken ones full of wisdom and grace. Because of their prophetic insight, they are futuristic having a sense of direction, discernment and ability to forecasts future trends
the days ahead are very fierce. The wise will be confused, and the hearts of the mighty will fail them but to those who fear my name the sun of righteousness will arise upon them with healing in His wings. I see the Lord healing your land. He is taking away drought from your land. He is taking away financial pressures as a result of financial lack. The Lord is sending down rain of favor, and where you have struggled in the past you will no longer struggle because the mercy of the Lord has come upon you. This season, says the Spirit, the mercy of God will come upon you. God’s mercy has come upon you, where you have lacked strength the Lord will multiply strength unto you, and where you have lacked skills He will grant you wisdom. He will be known as the Lord, your help.
I sense in my spirit, AD 2014 is a season of the outbreak of the Spirit of God especially in the line of the evangelistic move of God. There is a strong evangelistic wave of the Spirit that is coming upon the earth: many lost souls will be saved, many backslidden believers will be restored and we are going to see God move mightily. Every soul is dear to the Lord. There are certain souls the Lord God has chosen to make His greatness known in the earth. He has reserved these souls for exclusive demonstration of His power. Though, the evil one is holding them captive to sins and their pasts at the moment. Presently, they appear to be rebellious but they will ultimately be champions of righteousness
Glory to God in the highest! The season of salvation has come, the year of deliverance when my people will be saved. They are my battle axe and weapons of power, says the Lord. They are my fierce and radical children that will do great exploits for my name, says the Lord. I will save your rebellious children. Indeed, they appear to be hard nuts to crack but my Spirit will visit them with a strong hand: they will experience the supernatural and great encounters with the Lord- I will save them, says the Lord. I will use them to break down the powers and the forces of darkness, says the Lord.
I am raising a generation of "Samson Company": a people full of supernatural boldness and conviction to turn around natural impossibilities. The anointing coming upon them is the Samson anointing that will bring down the forces and powers of the philistines like the biblical Samson. They will be used to show case God's power and show forth the glory of His name. Even though at present, they seem to be hardened and unyielding but with a mighty outstretched of my power I will rescue them and immediately anoint them to be my mighty force of righteousness in the earth.
I will work wonders through the instrumentality of prayer – the prayer of the saints, is a portent weapon in this season of the outpouring of grace. The Lord is stirring up the burden to pray in the church. The spirit of supplication and intercession has been released to provoke the burden to prayer in the church. Evangelistic waves of revival will be birthed through prayer and intercession.
This prayer is not about church growing in numerical sense but rather prayer borne out of pure and genuine burden for the lost. The consequence of this prayer for the lost is numerical growth but that is not the focus. The Lord is saying that incense of intercession and prayers will begin to ascend from the church to the heavens. And the Lord will respond to the heart-cry of His people with fire. He will send forth the spirit of conviction upon the earth. Through the spirit of conviction sinners will be saved; even, hardened criminals will be reached. The conviction of the Holy Spirit will grip criminals and bring them to the foot of the cross: prostitutes will be saved en mass and armed robbers will be rescued from their dead works.
The Lord will reach out to hardened criminals and we will see mighty miracles, and mighty signs and wonders to publicize the message of Jesus. The God of heaven will confirm His word with signs and wonders following. This is not to attract people to your ministry, neither is it intended to make you famous and popular; rather, it is to advertise the message and gospel of Christ. We will see mighty signs and wonders like never before; even creative miracles.
I see waves of the prophetic. There will arise new awakening of the Prophetic to empower the body of Christ to fulfill the great commission. Fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit is coming upon God's people and this will usher in seasons of refreshing. The church will then be known as movement of Prophetic People. True prophets will emerge.
Again, shortly before the restoration of the Prophetic, the Lord will judge the seat of false prophets. The God of heaven will begin to judge false prophetic movements and ministries. He will begin to expose them. The outpouring of the Spirit of God will consume them with the fire of His judgment.
Furthermore, Prophetic spirits and activities orchestrated by soothsaying- operating by familiar spirits and divination will suffer God's judgment. The Lord is coming to expose them. He will destroy. He will judge them. Then, He will be glorified in the earth. His name will be exalted. The Lord will judge muddy streams of the prophetic; it is then, and only then, He will deepen and re-dig pure prophetic fountains in the body of Christ.
Thus saith the Lord, the prophetic will no longer be endangered species in the body of Christ. The Lord is calling forth platforms where prophets and prophetic people are being raised, equipped and activated. The Lord is planting platforms where the children of God will be taught, foster and equipped in the prophetic. He is setting up prophetic platforms across the earth, among the nations, all over the body of Christ. Platforms will begin to emerge. Platforms will begin to come forth.
The Lord wants to lose his fear upon this nation. Between the year 2014 and 2015 the fear of the Lord will grip the heart of every believer. One strange thing that will begin to happen very soon is the home-calling of some of His generals. This will signify an end to an era and beginning of a new era.
Finally, in the year 2014, we will see dry bones rise. Dry bones will come alive.
The resurrection power of Jesus will come upon every dry bone of your life and every aspect of your life where you have been timid, laid back and weak; the Lord will cause the dry bone to come alive. You will begin to grow in confidence and grow in faith. The Lord's embrace will rest upon you, the Lord will stir you up unto victory, every dry bone of your life will come alive.
Kingdom Emphasis is a blog that serves the body of Christ with meat in due season. It focuses on disseminating Present-truths and Current Speakings of God for our generation with the intent of providing insight, clarity, direction and depth. For more details about timely Prophetic and insightful messages, please visit our You may also email:,, Call: +234-8060600606, +234-8054422483, +2348035384144, +2348024453357.
The Lord God is raising custodians of true riches, one of the things that we are going to see happen at an accelerated rate from the year 2014 is that wealth will begin to grow wings and they will begin to fly away from the hands of many who have previously controlled it. However, the Lord is raising people who are faithful to His name, those who are faithful to His righteous cause. He is equipping and training men and women who are looking anxiously to his appearing. He is raising true partners to walk with in the coming harvest.
“Souls will be harvested”, says the Lord, and righteousness will fill the earth. The Lord is raising a company of people- those who fear His name and those who share his burden. The kingdom of God will swallow up kingdoms and systems of this world; the mountain of the Lord's house will be exalted above all other hills and mountains. God is raising burden carriers; the Lord is arousing in His church holy burdens. The nations will ultimately be submerged in the knowledge of the glory of God.
Those who bear the burden of the Lord and share his passion for kingdom advancement are the ones who will eventually become custodians of true riches. He is equipping and mobilizing custodians of true riches – those who will fear His name. More than ever before, the sovereign King is bequeathing to sinners, travails to labor, to gather and heap up wealth and resources in preparation to the coming transfer of heavenly treasures. “The time of wealth transfer” has come, says the Lord. The world will witness massive transfer of wealth like never before beginning from this year onward.
Globally the world will witness a radical transfer of finances. Power will change hands. The Lord is saying to the earth, "I am going to establish my reign and dominion over all the earth, says the Lord. The ends of the earth belong to me, I am going to establish my influence- my reign- and authority because it is time for the whole world to know that silver is mine and gold is mine. I will use these silver and gold to build my temple; I will implement my will and purposes, and enforce my righteousness in the earth, says the Lord. I am raising a people that will partner with me, a people that will not struggle with my will. A people that will yield to the Lord and allow the vision of the harvest to be imprinted in their hearts. I am raising a people, says the Spirit of God.
These custodians of true riches will attract the Lord's attention and win His trust; therefore, there is no good thing that the God of heaven will withhold from them. Even though, they have suffered resistance for so long, but all of a sudden they will break out of their struggle and walk in the power of God’s supernatural prosperity and financial blessing. The ostracized will become a force to reckon with. The Lord of Host will raise them from the dusts and from the dunghills and placed them upon the throne of glory.
The custodians of true riches will come into the power and dominion of Christ's kingdom, and reign with Him. “They are my servants”, says the Lord. They are my bond-servants – dead to their own agenda and surrendering their will to the Lord. The bond servants are those who are absolutely selfless and extremely generous; the courageous, the radical, the daring, and the risk-takers. These are the fearless and broken ones full of wisdom and grace. Because of their prophetic insight, they are futuristic having a sense of direction, discernment and ability to forecasts future trends
the days ahead are very fierce. The wise will be confused, and the hearts of the mighty will fail them but to those who fear my name the sun of righteousness will arise upon them with healing in His wings. I see the Lord healing your land. He is taking away drought from your land. He is taking away financial pressures as a result of financial lack. The Lord is sending down rain of favor, and where you have struggled in the past you will no longer struggle because the mercy of the Lord has come upon you. This season, says the Spirit, the mercy of God will come upon you. God’s mercy has come upon you, where you have lacked strength the Lord will multiply strength unto you, and where you have lacked skills He will grant you wisdom. He will be known as the Lord, your help.
I sense in my spirit, AD 2014 is a season of the outbreak of the Spirit of God especially in the line of the evangelistic move of God. There is a strong evangelistic wave of the Spirit that is coming upon the earth: many lost souls will be saved, many backslidden believers will be restored and we are going to see God move mightily. Every soul is dear to the Lord. There are certain souls the Lord God has chosen to make His greatness known in the earth. He has reserved these souls for exclusive demonstration of His power. Though, the evil one is holding them captive to sins and their pasts at the moment. Presently, they appear to be rebellious but they will ultimately be champions of righteousness
Glory to God in the highest! The season of salvation has come, the year of deliverance when my people will be saved. They are my battle axe and weapons of power, says the Lord. They are my fierce and radical children that will do great exploits for my name, says the Lord. I will save your rebellious children. Indeed, they appear to be hard nuts to crack but my Spirit will visit them with a strong hand: they will experience the supernatural and great encounters with the Lord- I will save them, says the Lord. I will use them to break down the powers and the forces of darkness, says the Lord.
I am raising a generation of "Samson Company": a people full of supernatural boldness and conviction to turn around natural impossibilities. The anointing coming upon them is the Samson anointing that will bring down the forces and powers of the philistines like the biblical Samson. They will be used to show case God's power and show forth the glory of His name. Even though at present, they seem to be hardened and unyielding but with a mighty outstretched of my power I will rescue them and immediately anoint them to be my mighty force of righteousness in the earth.
I will work wonders through the instrumentality of prayer – the prayer of the saints, is a portent weapon in this season of the outpouring of grace. The Lord is stirring up the burden to pray in the church. The spirit of supplication and intercession has been released to provoke the burden to prayer in the church. Evangelistic waves of revival will be birthed through prayer and intercession.
This prayer is not about church growing in numerical sense but rather prayer borne out of pure and genuine burden for the lost. The consequence of this prayer for the lost is numerical growth but that is not the focus. The Lord is saying that incense of intercession and prayers will begin to ascend from the church to the heavens. And the Lord will respond to the heart-cry of His people with fire. He will send forth the spirit of conviction upon the earth. Through the spirit of conviction sinners will be saved; even, hardened criminals will be reached. The conviction of the Holy Spirit will grip criminals and bring them to the foot of the cross: prostitutes will be saved en mass and armed robbers will be rescued from their dead works.
The Lord will reach out to hardened criminals and we will see mighty miracles, and mighty signs and wonders to publicize the message of Jesus. The God of heaven will confirm His word with signs and wonders following. This is not to attract people to your ministry, neither is it intended to make you famous and popular; rather, it is to advertise the message and gospel of Christ. We will see mighty signs and wonders like never before; even creative miracles.
I see waves of the prophetic. There will arise new awakening of the Prophetic to empower the body of Christ to fulfill the great commission. Fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit is coming upon God's people and this will usher in seasons of refreshing. The church will then be known as movement of Prophetic People. True prophets will emerge.
Again, shortly before the restoration of the Prophetic, the Lord will judge the seat of false prophets. The God of heaven will begin to judge false prophetic movements and ministries. He will begin to expose them. The outpouring of the Spirit of God will consume them with the fire of His judgment.
Furthermore, Prophetic spirits and activities orchestrated by soothsaying- operating by familiar spirits and divination will suffer God's judgment. The Lord is coming to expose them. He will destroy. He will judge them. Then, He will be glorified in the earth. His name will be exalted. The Lord will judge muddy streams of the prophetic; it is then, and only then, He will deepen and re-dig pure prophetic fountains in the body of Christ.
Thus saith the Lord, the prophetic will no longer be endangered species in the body of Christ. The Lord is calling forth platforms where prophets and prophetic people are being raised, equipped and activated. The Lord is planting platforms where the children of God will be taught, foster and equipped in the prophetic. He is setting up prophetic platforms across the earth, among the nations, all over the body of Christ. Platforms will begin to emerge. Platforms will begin to come forth.
The Lord wants to lose his fear upon this nation. Between the year 2014 and 2015 the fear of the Lord will grip the heart of every believer. One strange thing that will begin to happen very soon is the home-calling of some of His generals. This will signify an end to an era and beginning of a new era.
Finally, in the year 2014, we will see dry bones rise. Dry bones will come alive.
The resurrection power of Jesus will come upon every dry bone of your life and every aspect of your life where you have been timid, laid back and weak; the Lord will cause the dry bone to come alive. You will begin to grow in confidence and grow in faith. The Lord's embrace will rest upon you, the Lord will stir you up unto victory, every dry bone of your life will come alive.
Kingdom Emphasis is a blog that serves the body of Christ with meat in due season. It focuses on disseminating Present-truths and Current Speakings of God for our generation with the intent of providing insight, clarity, direction and depth. For more details about timely Prophetic and insightful messages, please visit our You may also email:,, Call: +234-8060600606, +234-8054422483, +2348035384144, +2348024453357.
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