Tuesday, 25 February 2014


The judgement of God is coming upon His church so that His glory can be restored among His people. He is building the house of His glory, and He will glorify the house of His glory. “My people”, says the Spirit, “will become the House of my Glory.  How do I intend to build the house of my glory? The House of my Glory will be built by the baptism of my holy fire. When the Saints- my holy people, redeemed by the blood of the lamb: when they converge with pure and intense desire to worship me and to know me, says the Lord of Host, they will experience fresh baptism from on high.

My sons and daughters must hunger and thirst after me. For it is this passionate desire after righteousness in the heart of God’s people that will cause the Almighty to be revealed in and through the church.” I will manifest my glory amidst my church”, I will show forth my praise among the nations; then, my Holy name will be feared and revered among the heathen”, says the Lord of Hosts.

Heaven's agenda is that the hunger and thirst after righteous is sustained in the heart of His people so that the Holy Spirit can transform them to become the House of His Glory. When the passion of the Lord is sustained in our hearts and we do not allow the cares of this life and the deceitfulness of riches to pervert the love of God in our hearts; When we keep seeking the Lord's face in the midst of our troubles, difficulties and challenges; if we keep loving and embracing His word, then we'll become the House of his glory.” I will glorify the house of my glory”, says the Lord.

The Lord is going to send down fire- the fire of revival. He is sending forth His breath and power upon the House of His glory. I sense in my spirit the House of God’s glory are the people who are given to understanding His ways and doing His will with the help of the Holy Spirit. These are the ones who will allow the word of God to renew their mind, to re-programme their thought-pattern and to change them inside out. When people give attention to the word, the word becomes planted in their hearts and produce  fruits of righteousness.

Thus saith the Lord, upon every heart that allows my word to be planted; I will send down rain The rain of the Spirit will descend to refresh and renew them. God's favor will come upon their heads. Their heads will not lack oil. The rain of the anointing of the Holy One and the mighty power of God will rest upon them. The God of glory will show case them as His supernatural fortresses in the earth.
The power of God will fall upon them. The Lord is sending forth the rain of increase- the rain of harvest and multiplication to refresh His people. The rain of His blessing is coming upon the hearts that will retain the seed of the word. He is sending forth rain upon the heart that will retain the seed of the word. I will visit with a strong and mighty hand those among my children that will embrace the purification of my Spirit, says the Lord, for the Great Day of Atonement has come when the Lord will cleanse His people.

In this Great Day of Atonement the Lord God will refine the desires, motives, intents and activities of His people. He will purify the heart of His people with fire. When we allow the Spirit of God to work in us we will be enabled supernaturally to bridle our tongues. And rather than emitting death we will communicate life- instead of curses coming out of your mouth, blessings will rather flow. The Holy Spirit of God will begin to tame our temper like never before. The Spirit of God will stir us up into surrendering our vulnerabilities and inadequacies at the foot of the cross and lay them all down upon the brazen altar of the Lord.
The Spirit is saying, as many that will allow the Spirit of the Lord to work in them in this great day of atonement, He will visit.” I will visit them with wine and visit them with bread”, says the Lord.” I will rain down the dew of the Spirit upon them and I will be their God. I will fight for them; I will lead them in battle against the powers of darkness. I will be the captain in battles. I am going to conquer, I am going to break down walls and break down gates of brass and bars of iron. I will overcome through them and conquer through them and subdue through them, destroying the powers of darkness”. This is your season of conquest, says the Lord.

Kingdom Emphasis is a blog that serves the body of Christ with meat in due season. It focuses on disseminating Present-truths and Current Speakings of God for our generation with the intent of providing insight, clarity, direction and depth. For more details about timely Prophetic and insightful messages, please visit our website:www.thecuttingedgeministries.org You may also email: tayoladejo@gmail.com, tayo@thecuttingedgeministries.org, Call: +234-8060600606, +234-8054422483, +2348035384144, +2348024453357.

Monday, 17 February 2014


The Lord revealed to me that from the year 2014 we will see empires crumble- structures collapse- and systems fail. This is because it is the season of the Lord’s judgment; the judgment of the Lord is coming upon the earth and it will be global. We are going to see massive international Information Technologies, 21st century companies and leading financial systems collapse. We will also see systems that have been taking advantage of humanity and milking people dry collapse.

Furthermore, the world will witness the fall of major personalities in this nation and in the nations of the earth. I sense in my spirit there is a major king in this nation: by referring to 'king', I do not mean a royal or traditional ruler at all, and not even necessarily a head of state or president. Though, it could refer to a political figure, not restricted to a person occupying an elective office, and it could be a major economic player and icon in this nation. God’s season of judgment is coming upon a certain king: and kings of the earth will bow down before the government and greatness of our God. They have been taking advantage of the system and taking advantage of the people; hence, the Lord is replacing them with men and women who fear His Holy name.

The Lord is raising men and women that are righteous in His sight. Men and women who have been paying the price. They have suffered hostility and torment from the system because of their stand for the truth. I am raising those that are upright in my sight, says the Lord, and I will position them for greatest, says the Lord. The Lord is bringing down some and replacing them with others. There is going to be staggering replacement of major players on the path of destiny. The Lord is saying that seats of power and authority is about to witness change of people who occupy them.

The Lord is elevating men and women that fear His name to a place where they will control resources and handle authority with wisdom to the end of saving lives and rebuilding the systems and creating opportunities for people. The Lord God is preparing to send forth faithful men and women: He will cause them to rise to relevance and come to reckoning, says the Spirit of God.

Systems that are built on wrong intentions, with wrong motivation and negative desires will crumble. We are going to see structures built on Babylonian principles and philosophies of this world crumble. This is because the season of God’s judgment is fast approaching. However, the judgment of God will start from the house of God. The Lord will begin a work of purging and restoration of the fear of the Lord in His temple. Therefore, the Lord is walking through His temple; that is, His church, swinging a sword in His hand, and there will be casualties!

The Lord will judge the stubborn and the rebellious. He is purging because the Lord wants the worship, sacrifice, prayer and commitment of His people to be piercing and exquisite in the Spirit. He wants their sacrifice to ascend to Him like sweet smelling savor, then, the One who answers by fire will rise up from His throne and destroy His enemies. And so that the worship of the sons of Levi; that is, His new testament priests- the sacrifice of His children to be pure and acceptable in His sight.

We are living in the season of cleansing when the Lord will take away the lust after the riches of Egypt from the heart of His people. He will judge the system entrenched on the foundation of iniquity. He is sweeping away ungodly operations that are working to manipulate and lure His children to conform them to the world's standard. The Lord is hereby taking away the lust and desire to be like the nations from the lives and midst of His people. He will begin to refine the desires of their hearts. Your heart will be pure: it will be set only on doing the will of God. The focus of your allegiance will be to please the Lord, says the Spirit of God.

The Lord is restoring His glory back to the place of His throne. He is restoring His glory back to His dwelling place. I want my temple to be pure, says the Lord, and the gathering of my people to be known among the nations again as the House of Prayer. My Church will be known as a place where intercession is done to save and salvage as many nations as possible. He is elevating His people in the Spirit to the place of spiritual authority and power from where decrees will be made and will be implemented across the nations. The decrees that will be issued from the gathering of my people will stand, says the Lord.

The Lord is raising a church that will stand in authority and remove kings and princes of the earth- a church that can operate in divine influence, and their confidence is in the manifest-presence of God and His glory in their midst. The Lord wants His servants and handmaiden to be flames of fire. My servants will no longer be seen as compromisers, says the Lord. And this will be as a result of the purging of the Lord in His temple.

The season of the Lord's vengeance has come, when the Lord will rid the church of the influence and presence of demonic powers and negative spirit. The season for the Lord's vengeance is the season of purging. Indeed, the season of purification has come. The time of cleansing has come upon us. The Lord will no longer condone priests and prophets who are hewing and carving the image of the beast in the heart of His people: such leaders that make His children twice sons of hell. Otherwise, the Lord is raising shepherd after His heart that will nurture His people and feed them with the knowledge of the truth and lead them in the path of life at the center of His will.

Kingdom Emphasis is a blog that serves the body of Christ with meat in due season. It focuses on disseminating Present-truths and Current Speakings of God for our generation with the intent of providing insight, clarity, direction and depth. For more details about timely Prophetic and insightful messages, please visit our website:www.thecuttingedgeministries.org You may also email: tayoladejo@gmail.com, tayo@thecuttingedgeministries.org, Call: +234-8060600606, +234-8054422483, +2348035384144, +2348024453357.

Tuesday, 11 February 2014


We need to lift up a cry for Nigeria in the Spirit, we need to lift up supplications for Nigeria, we need to seek the face of the God of heaven and the earth and pray for Nigeria.  The days ahead of us are critical times- the times ahead of us are fierce moments- and very sensitive. Its only through prayer that we will subdue the devil's plots and conquer the hordes of darkness waging war against the nation, Nigeria. Nonetheless, great times lie ahead of us, no doubt about that, but at the same time there are hurdles we must cross as a nation, but you must note that with the Lord God on your side you will overcome.
I perceive in my spirit there will be massive developments in Nigeria in the subsequent years. There’s going to be immense infrastructural developments. The nation will also experience extensive technological advancement. I sense in my spirit the Lord is granting us open doors in the Spirit, this is our breakthrough season. I sense the heaven over us is open for infrastructural and systemic development: God is going to send the sons of foreigners to rebuild our walls, the Lord is sending help to this nation Nigeria.
In the year 2014, I will be the helper of this land, says the Lord. We will witness a level of development that will be outstanding and noticeable, and this will serve as a springboard for talents, gifting and destinies to flourish. In the time past, the enemy had made the nation, Nigeria, a sepulcher where talents and destinies are dumped, but God is turning that around. Nigeria will no longer be a grave-yard where talents and destinies are being buried;the nation will no longer be known as a sepulcher of prophets nor a place where significant voices are being silenced.
The Lord is bringing a turn around to this land.  He is bringing a crucial season of breakthrough to the nation. The Lord is opening doors of opportunity where we will have infrastructural development and technological advancement. Destinies will be well nurtured in Nigeria, and talents will be bred and preserved. The Lord is working a work, says the Spirit of God, and within a short period of time there will be significant restoration in Nigeria. I sense in my spirit that within the next 10 years, Nigerians wont have to send their children to school abroad to acquire quality education any more, the Lord is bringing forth healing and restoration to this nation. The Lord will restore the glory and dignity of Nigeria. The Lord will restore the destiny of this nation.

We have to intensely prayer over the nation Nigeria as we approach the election year, AD 2015. I see in my Spirit that the year 2015 fire will burn. I see fire on our streets, we to be prayerful. We have to pray because there will be some sort of revolt.I don’t know what may trigger it; though, I sense the results of the general election will propel some anger, but there will be some sort of revolt. Election malpractices will be met with radical actions but we need to pray, we need to pray, we need to pray. There will be collision of kingdoms and contentions in the coming season: contentions among kings of the earth, and conflicts among gladiators in Nigeria.
I know by the Spirit that when everything becomes calm, then, we will witness the rebirth of the nation, Nigeria. We will see a new beginning in our political life as a nation. I sense a restrain in my spirit to restrict "the house of David"; that is, those the Lord is stirring up and preparing among His children who carry the Spirit of the new day and have kept themselves from the corruption of "the house of Saul"; instead, are committed to birthing change in the land, I perceive in my spirit, the coast is not clear for them to step out. It's not time to step out. It's not time to join these political parties, these political parties will pass away, most of these parties will collapse. Majority of the political parties we see today will be no more and many of the people who are major players today will become irrelevant in the emerging of the new Nigeria. We just need to pray for God's sovereign will to prevail. We need to pray that God’s judgment will only rest upon the wicked and that the innocent will be spared. You need to pray for yourself and pray for your families that God's covering will rest upon them. Always draw the mark of the protective blood of Jesus around your household.
This is the time to pray, and as you do heaven's glory will overwhelm you against the enemy's darts. You will not be a casualty to the wickedness of men, says the Lord; neither will you partake of the judgement and disasters coming upon the iniquity of man because the Lord is your keeper: He that keeps Israel does not sleep or slumber. The Lord is your defender, He is the keeper of your soul. He will preserve your soul, and so, the sun will not smite you by day, nor the moon by night. The Lord God of heaven and earth will preserve your soul now and forever more.

The next decade is the season of the emergence of African, and Nigeria will play a significant and leading role in this wave of awakening. It is high time for the nation to take her place in providing leadership and inspiration for the continent. Wake up, Africa! Wake up from your slumber, ye black race, for the era of your breaking forth has come. The Lord will subdue the darkness over this continent. The principality of darkness holding Africa hostage will be subdued. God is saying Nigeria has a critical role to play in orchestrating the arising of Africa.
The next decade is a time heaven has earmarked for the emergence of Africa, the Lord is saying Africa will arise and come out of the darkness of corruption. Africa will be delivered from the darkness of poverty. Africa must arise! Africa will arise, and Nigeria is meant to be the first-fruit of the deliverance of Africa. Africa must be free. Nigeria must be liberated. Nigeria must arise, says the Spirit of God. I sense in my spirit that from the year 2014 we will begin to see a step by step growth. I know by the Spirit of God, within a short period of time, I can’t put a time frame to it, but I sense there will be such level of restoration in this nation that confidence will be restored in the financial system- confidence will be restored in the educational system- confidence will be restored in the health-care system. There will be unprecedented growth and development. The Lord is in the business of rebuilding the fallen walls of Nigeria. He is in the business of repairing the broken bridges of Nigeria.
Heaven has designated the year 2014 for enormous development. Grace is also being abundantly released for economic flourishing of the private sector, the sector will witness massive growth. God has been stirring that in the recent time but we are going to see economic growth in the private industry rise to a whole new level. We are going to see flourishing and economic growth in the private sector and the Lord wants His children to take advantage of it. The Lord is saying to you that He has put a seed in your heart and He has put a seed in your hand. He has put a seed of instruction- a seed of the leading of the Spirit - seed of ideas- seed of divine direction. The Lord is saying it is time for you to courageously plant your seed because it will come to pass, says the Spirit of God, that as you plant your seed in the year 2014, within a space of one season you will experience great harvest.

Indeed, the body of Christ has a critical responsibility to fulfill in order to pave the way for the atmosphere of revival to come upon Africa. Its first of all the church, that is, the Nigerian church that must wake up first. The church must take heed to the wake up call of heaven. The church must overcome her setbacks. The church must come out of backwardness. The Lord is saying the messages that only allows for mediocrity and spiritual lethargy must cease from proceeding from your pulpits. Heaven is shutting down inaccurate frequencies that are broadcasting materialistic gospel- self indulgent gospel- and self seeking messages. The Lord is judging dirty fountains that are spring forth error and spiritual poison that are defiling and harming the spiritual well-being of God's children.
The Nigerian church must come to a place where her leaders; that is, the ministers of God begin to proclaim the undiluted truth with courage and conviction. It's time to teach the sound word of God with simplicity and clarity. There is something about teaching of the word of God that drives away the forces of darkness. It drives away darkness from the heart of men and women; it drives away darkness from homes and families; the teaching of the word drives away atmospheric darkness that holds nations captive. Therefore there must be a cry from the heart of God's children.
The children of God must rise up and cry for revival in the Nigerian church because the salvation of the nation lies in the hand of the church; indeed, the salvation of Africa lies in the hand of the Nigerian church. The Lord is saying the Nigerian church must cease from being a hideout for false prophets and false teachers. You must cease from protecting falsehood. When error no longer finds a resting place within the Nigerian church then the church will be fire-brand and serve as catalyst of revival to the nations; then, the unquenchable fire of God will ignite His people to stir up the force of righteousness and supernatural power in them. There is a cry unto revival, there is a cry unto the awakening of the Spirit to wake up the church from its slumber, the church must wake up from its weariness.

The Lord is sending rain in the year 2014 upon ideas that their time have come: ideas that have been well incubated- ideas that have been well worked upon and thought through- ideas that have been worked through and thoroughly researched. These ideas will flourish. These ideas will bring about massive harvest, tremendous increase, vast change, and frightening prosperity. The Lord is speaking over the church as the people of God learn to obey the Lord, for as many that are willing and obedient will eat the good of the land, the Lord is saying to you this is the season of your prosperity.
This is the season of your prosperity, but, first of all, heaven is setting your faith free from the grip of fear. There are many of God's children that have made attempt in the past have failed, the Lord is saying, you have to open up to the Lord and embrace the healing work of the Holy Spirit to heal your memory of past failure and casualty. The Spirit of God is moving to heal memories of past failures and past casualties because the Lord is setting your faith free. The Lord is letting loose your faith: your faith will conquer- your faith will overcome; this is the victory that overcome the world, even our faith. The Lord is setting your faith free from the grip and terror of fear. The Lord is taking away sense of insecurity from you. He is releasing you to go forth as conquerors. He is raising warriors from the church and bringing upon you fighting spirit. Fighting spirit that will make you fearless and immune to the intimidation of the forces of darkness. You will no longer be timid because the joy of the Lord will be your strength, you will go forth and possess the land, says the Lord.
It is high time for you to go forth and bring down the giants, says the Lord. You will bring down the giants: giants of challenges of life, giants of negativity, giants of impossibility, systemic giants, huge giants that are working against your interest, you will subdue them. Government policies that serve as giants will collapse says the Spirit of God. The Lord is giving you the courage to possess the land, the high time as come says the Spirit of God. You will begin to go forth and move forward , it is time to possess your possession, it’s time to possess the land, says the Spirit of God.

Kingdom Emphasis is a blog that serves the body of Christ with meat in due season. It focuses on disseminating Present-truths and Current Speakings of God for our generation with the intent of providing insight, clarity, direction and depth. For more details about timely Prophetic and insightful messages, please visit our website:www.thecuttingedgeministries.org You may also email: tayoladejo@gmail.com, tayo@thecuttingedgeministries.org, Call: +234-8060600606, +234-8054422483, +2348035384144, +2348024453357.