The judgement of God is coming upon His church so that His glory can be restored among His people. He is building the house of His glory, and He will glorify the house of His glory. “My people”, says the Spirit, “will become the House of my Glory. How do I intend to build the house of my glory? The House of my Glory will be built by the baptism of my holy fire. When the Saints- my holy people, redeemed by the blood of the lamb: when they converge with pure and intense desire to worship me and to know me, says the Lord of Host, they will experience fresh baptism from on high.
My sons and daughters must hunger and thirst after me. For it is this passionate desire after righteousness in the heart of God’s people that will cause the Almighty to be revealed in and through the church.” I will manifest my glory amidst my church”, I will show forth my praise among the nations; then, my Holy name will be feared and revered among the heathen”, says the Lord of Hosts.
Heaven's agenda is that the hunger and thirst after righteous is sustained in the heart of His people so that the Holy Spirit can transform them to become the House of His Glory. When the passion of the Lord is sustained in our hearts and we do not allow the cares of this life and the deceitfulness of riches to pervert the love of God in our hearts; When we keep seeking the Lord's face in the midst of our troubles, difficulties and challenges; if we keep loving and embracing His word, then we'll become the House of his glory.” I will glorify the house of my glory”, says the Lord.
The Lord is going to send down fire- the fire of revival. He is sending forth His breath and power upon the House of His glory. I sense in my spirit the House of God’s glory are the people who are given to understanding His ways and doing His will with the help of the Holy Spirit. These are the ones who will allow the word of God to renew their mind, to re-programme their thought-pattern and to change them inside out. When people give attention to the word, the word becomes planted in their hearts and produce fruits of righteousness.
Thus saith the Lord, upon every heart that allows my word to be planted; I will send down rain The rain of the Spirit will descend to refresh and renew them. God's favor will come upon their heads. Their heads will not lack oil. The rain of the anointing of the Holy One and the mighty power of God will rest upon them. The God of glory will show case them as His supernatural fortresses in the earth.
The power of God will fall upon them. The Lord is sending forth the rain of increase- the rain of harvest and multiplication to refresh His people. The rain of His blessing is coming upon the hearts that will retain the seed of the word. He is sending forth rain upon the heart that will retain the seed of the word. I will visit with a strong and mighty hand those among my children that will embrace the purification of my Spirit, says the Lord, for the Great Day of Atonement has come when the Lord will cleanse His people.
In this Great Day of Atonement the Lord God will refine the desires, motives, intents and activities of His people. He will purify the heart of His people with fire. When we allow the Spirit of God to work in us we will be enabled supernaturally to bridle our tongues. And rather than emitting death we will communicate life- instead of curses coming out of your mouth, blessings will rather flow. The Holy Spirit of God will begin to tame our temper like never before. The Spirit of God will stir us up into surrendering our vulnerabilities and inadequacies at the foot of the cross and lay them all down upon the brazen altar of the Lord.
The Spirit is saying, as many that will allow the Spirit of the Lord to work in them in this great day of atonement, He will visit.” I will visit them with wine and visit them with bread”, says the Lord.” I will rain down the dew of the Spirit upon them and I will be their God. I will fight for them; I will lead them in battle against the powers of darkness. I will be the captain in battles. I am going to conquer, I am going to break down walls and break down gates of brass and bars of iron. I will overcome through them and conquer through them and subdue through them, destroying the powers of darkness”. This is your season of conquest, says the Lord.
Kingdom Emphasis is a blog that serves the body of Christ with meat in due season. It focuses on disseminating Present-truths and Current Speakings of God for our generation with the intent of providing insight, clarity, direction and depth. For more details about timely Prophetic and insightful messages, please visit our You may also email:,, Call: +234-8060600606, +234-8054422483, +2348035384144, +2348024453357.
The judgement of God is coming upon His church so that His glory can be restored among His people. He is building the house of His glory, and He will glorify the house of His glory. “My people”, says the Spirit, “will become the House of my Glory. How do I intend to build the house of my glory? The House of my Glory will be built by the baptism of my holy fire. When the Saints- my holy people, redeemed by the blood of the lamb: when they converge with pure and intense desire to worship me and to know me, says the Lord of Host, they will experience fresh baptism from on high.
My sons and daughters must hunger and thirst after me. For it is this passionate desire after righteousness in the heart of God’s people that will cause the Almighty to be revealed in and through the church.” I will manifest my glory amidst my church”, I will show forth my praise among the nations; then, my Holy name will be feared and revered among the heathen”, says the Lord of Hosts.
Heaven's agenda is that the hunger and thirst after righteous is sustained in the heart of His people so that the Holy Spirit can transform them to become the House of His Glory. When the passion of the Lord is sustained in our hearts and we do not allow the cares of this life and the deceitfulness of riches to pervert the love of God in our hearts; When we keep seeking the Lord's face in the midst of our troubles, difficulties and challenges; if we keep loving and embracing His word, then we'll become the House of his glory.” I will glorify the house of my glory”, says the Lord.
The Lord is going to send down fire- the fire of revival. He is sending forth His breath and power upon the House of His glory. I sense in my spirit the House of God’s glory are the people who are given to understanding His ways and doing His will with the help of the Holy Spirit. These are the ones who will allow the word of God to renew their mind, to re-programme their thought-pattern and to change them inside out. When people give attention to the word, the word becomes planted in their hearts and produce fruits of righteousness.
Thus saith the Lord, upon every heart that allows my word to be planted; I will send down rain The rain of the Spirit will descend to refresh and renew them. God's favor will come upon their heads. Their heads will not lack oil. The rain of the anointing of the Holy One and the mighty power of God will rest upon them. The God of glory will show case them as His supernatural fortresses in the earth.
The power of God will fall upon them. The Lord is sending forth the rain of increase- the rain of harvest and multiplication to refresh His people. The rain of His blessing is coming upon the hearts that will retain the seed of the word. He is sending forth rain upon the heart that will retain the seed of the word. I will visit with a strong and mighty hand those among my children that will embrace the purification of my Spirit, says the Lord, for the Great Day of Atonement has come when the Lord will cleanse His people.
In this Great Day of Atonement the Lord God will refine the desires, motives, intents and activities of His people. He will purify the heart of His people with fire. When we allow the Spirit of God to work in us we will be enabled supernaturally to bridle our tongues. And rather than emitting death we will communicate life- instead of curses coming out of your mouth, blessings will rather flow. The Holy Spirit of God will begin to tame our temper like never before. The Spirit of God will stir us up into surrendering our vulnerabilities and inadequacies at the foot of the cross and lay them all down upon the brazen altar of the Lord.
The Spirit is saying, as many that will allow the Spirit of the Lord to work in them in this great day of atonement, He will visit.” I will visit them with wine and visit them with bread”, says the Lord.” I will rain down the dew of the Spirit upon them and I will be their God. I will fight for them; I will lead them in battle against the powers of darkness. I will be the captain in battles. I am going to conquer, I am going to break down walls and break down gates of brass and bars of iron. I will overcome through them and conquer through them and subdue through them, destroying the powers of darkness”. This is your season of conquest, says the Lord.
Kingdom Emphasis is a blog that serves the body of Christ with meat in due season. It focuses on disseminating Present-truths and Current Speakings of God for our generation with the intent of providing insight, clarity, direction and depth. For more details about timely Prophetic and insightful messages, please visit our You may also email:,, Call: +234-8060600606, +234-8054422483, +2348035384144, +2348024453357.