Friday, 17 May 2013


Christianity was never designed by God to serve as a religion. Instead, it is the accurate lifestyle prescribed by God for man. Today, the church-system has abandoned the original intent of God, and now given to the pattern of this fading world. Even till this day, man's heart is still lusting after becoming like the nations of the earth. 
However, a generation is emerging in the earth: the church within the church- a generation of fearless and uncompromising sons and daughters of light that will never bow down to worship Baal, nor partake of the delicacies of the king of Babylon. Heaven, therefore, is presently raising up a company of believers in the earth that are given to doing God's will by walking in eternal life.

The life of God is God's genetic code that transformed & configured  our human Spirit into divinity status. The genetic code is said to be the set of rules by which information encoded in genetic material (DNA or RNA sequences) is translated into proteins (amino acid sequences) by living cells.  At the point of salvation, having acknowledged the ultimate sacrifice of the cross and saving power of Christ, our Spirit was totally transformed from darkness to light, and raised from death to everlasting life. And this transformation of our human Spirit at salvation was an instantaneous experience, hence, we became born again. 

When we got saved, the life of God became the primary spiritual component of our Spirit which formulated the composition of the new-man in us. Accepting Christ as our Lord and saviour simply instantaneously and completely transformed our Spirit from the old man to the new-man. Henceforth, we no longer have death-substance in our Spirit. The old-man was the previous the composition of our human Spirit which was essentially consist of corruption or death. While, the new-man is the present composition of our human Spirit which intrinsically is made up of the divine nature. 

Colossians 3:5-10
   5 Mortify therefore your members which are upon the earth; fornication, uncleanness, inordinate affection, evil concupiscence, and covetousness, which is idolatry:
   6 For which things' sake the wrath of God cometh on the children of disobedience:
   7 In the which ye also walked some time, when ye lived in them.
   8 But now ye also put off all these; anger, wrath, malice, blasphemy, filthy communication out of your mouth.
   9 Lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds;
   10 And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him:  KJV

The Life of God in its fullness, therefore, culminates into the divine nature or the new-man in us. Again, we can accurately states that the new status of our Spirit was formulated and coded by the life of God. And this divine life, when it flows from our Spirit to our soul and body; otherwise, called our outward being, translates into all the attributes of the love of God; such as peace, joy, kindness, patience, longsuffering, e.t.c, and the wisdom and outworking of God's righteousness in us.

Galatians 5:22-24
   22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
   23 Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.
   24 And they that are Christ's have crucified the flesh with the affections and lusts.   KJV

The first Adam fell because he committed transgression and disobedience against God through the temptation of the serpent, the devil. The devil invented sin to plot the fall of man from the realm of glory. Man, then, relinquished his God-given authority and dominion to the enemy. Thus, the devil became the god of this world (2  Corn 4:4). Subsequently, the fall of the first Adam indicated the fall of human race. Note, the realm of the Spirit is a dimension of life that is governed by laws and principles, even just as the natural realm. Mankind inherited sin in Adam. So, sin became the core nature of man. You actually don't become a sinner by committing sins, but instead, simply by being born as human being into this world. Sin is first, the core-nature of a fallen man, before it translates to acts and behavioral pattern of man.

Roman 3:23-24
   23 For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God;
   24 Being justified freely by his grace through the redemption that is in Christ Jesus: KJV

Kingdom Emphasis is a blog that serves the body of Christ with meat in due season. It focuses on disseminating Present-truths and Current Speakings of God for our generation with the intent of providing insight, clarity, direction and depth. For more details about timely Prophetic and insightful messages, please visit our You may also email:,, Call: +234-8060600606, +234-8054422483, +2348035384144, +2348024453357.

Wednesday, 8 May 2013


Last week, we highlighted what the dominion mandate given to man by God was all about! The dominion mandate is simply man becoming a reflection of who God is. This process begins from the point of man assuming the obligation of knowing God- Fellowshipping with Him- and becoming one with Him. Man was never created to be an independent being. Man's ultimate purpose in life was never to do, but rather, to become. Our ultimate purpose is to become like Christ. Our conformity to the Image of Christ is our high calling.

Originally, man constantly beheld God whenever God revealed Himself to him at the cool of the day in the Garden of Eden ( Gen 3:8). Again, since the beginning, man was framed to absorb the very essence of God or divine life  through Fellowshipping with Him or knowing Him; and subsequently, dissipated the same very essence of God or divine life through their conducts, lifestyle and functionalities. In retrospect, the dominion mandate of God for man is captured in two significant processes; first, imbibing the life of God through knowing Him; second, manifesting the life of God through obeying God's will.


The critical vacuum in the earth today is as a result of the  present church failing to understand what its ultimate mandate given by God to be fulfilled in the earth is! If we clearly understand and plunge into our dominion mandate we will no longer be  permitting the activities of lawlessness being presently perpetuated by the forces of darkness in the earth; instead, this whole planet will be lighted up by the glory of God.

There is an urgent need for the body of Christ to wake up to her responsibilities and begin to function as light in the midst of darkness. We, as God's children, are called to make a difference in the earth. We are chosen by heaven to be God's standard-bearers in the earth. Our lives must bring God pleasure, and our lifestyle must be instrumental to the judgment of illegality and iniquity in the earth.

Kingdom Emphasis is a blog that serves the body of Christ with meat in due season. It focuses on disseminating Present-truths and Current Speakings of God for our generation with the intent of providing insight, clarity, direction and depth. For more details about timely Prophetic and insightful messages, please visit our You may also email:,, Call: +234-8060600606, +234-8054422483, +2348035384144, +2348024453357.


I hear redemption in my spirit, the Lord will redeem, uphold and restore. He has called you as angels of His presence. The presence of God is the place of your primary assignment. The whole essence of this experience is to enrich your experience with God. The Lord has let down the ladder and He is saying come up hither to the place of deeper realm of visions and revelations, come up to the place of understanding, come up to the place where the Lord will reveal His face and reveal Himself to you. Come up hither, the Lord is going to show you great and mighty things that you never know before. He is bringing you into His banqueting hall and you are His special guest of honor, the place of oneness with God. I sense the Lord is knocking, open the door to Him, respond to Him in obedience, instructions will begin to come and as you respond to the instructions you will witness the manifestation of His power. Don’t you know that a new heart has been given to you? The heart that wants the Lord alone, you have shared off the skin that is weak and weary, freshness has come. You will be freshly inspired to live for God, to please Him, to love Him and serve Him. Spread the fire, don’t keep it to yourself, you spread the fire through the love of God and how you touch your brethren. So much has been released on the inside of you, but its not automatic that its everybody that will be able to pass on that which is deposited on the inside of you to his generation, the only way that God can have you make use of what He has discharged to you to bless humanity is through the love for the brethren, learn to love the brethren. Let the spirit of compassion come upon you, that you will have compassion on the weak and mercy on the weary and love those who are out of the way. The love for the brethren is what will cause this grace to be multiplied upon you.

Kingdom Emphasis is a blog that serves the body of Christ with meat in due season. It focuses on disseminating Present-truths and Current Speakings of God for our generation with the intent of providing insight, clarity, direction and depth. For more details about timely Prophetic and insightful messages, please visit our You may also email:,, Call: +234-8060600606, +234-8054422483, +2348035384144, +2348024453357.

Wednesday, 1 May 2013


Thus saith the LORD, I lay upon you my mighty hand. I stretch forth my hand of Power and lay it upon you, and my hand will abide upon you, says the LORD. The glory of the Lord is upon you, there is a new release of glory from above, therefore, it is time for you to arise and shine, your light has come, God’s glory is risen upon you. He is a God of all possibilities, for the Lion of the tribe of Judah will begin to roar from within you. 

The Lord is sending you back to those giants and hard walls that have intimidated and terrorized you in the past. And I will give you victory, says the Spirit. You will triumph, and the second coming of the Lord shall be fulfilled in and through you. Where you have experienced casualties and defeat, the glory of the Lord is upon you, you will walk through the troops and break through the forces that contend against you in judgment because the hand of the Lord is upon you. The glory of the Lord is upon you. The LORD GOD is coming with inspiration- fresh ideas- fresh layers of understanding- and the spirit of creativity is coming upon you. Your light has come, says the LORD, and confusion is over. You will no longer struggle to survive because the inspiration of the Holy One will give you understanding, wisdom and clarity.


The Lord is saying Tiger Woods shall rise again, he seems forgotten and forsaken, unjustly treated, run down and broken into pieces but many do not know that sometimes God allows situations around people to befall them for them to learn righteousness and learn humility and learn to turn their heart to the Lord and when they do the Lord begins to show them mercy and bring grace upon them. 

The sun of Tiger Woods shall rise again and he will hit the mark again.He will rediscover his muse again and he will hit the target. Tiger Woods will yet reign as the world champion again. There are many Tiger Woods out there that have suffered casualties and suffered at the dark, beaten and broken. There are many people that are going through hurts and being unjustly treated- they are being judged based on their failures and based on their past: the LORD is saying the spring of healing is flowing. The Lord will heal you of all your pains, your wounds. He will heal you of the injury suffered at the battle-front. 

The wounded soldiers of the Lord will rise again, the wounded soldiers of the Lord will receive treatment and be strengthened. Many that have fallen away, broken, persecuted, starved, the Lord is going to cause them to recover their stand and regain their capacity. He gives grace to the weary, strength to the weak. I will cause them to mount up with wings as eagles, to walk and not be weary, they will run and not faint, says the Spirit of God.

Kingdom Emphasis is a blog that serves the body of Christ with meat in due season. It focuses on disseminating Present-truths and Current Speakings of God for our generation with the intent of providing insight, clarity, direction and depth. For more details about timely Prophetic and insightful messages, please visit our You may also email:,, Call: +234-8060600606, +234-8054422483, +2348035384144, +2348024453357.


Recently, we began treating the subject, walking in divine life, and essentially, we focused on what the life of God is! We mentioned that the word "life of God" was originally rendered from the Greek word 'Zoe', which is different from the Greek word 'bios' from which the word "human life" was rendered. In other word, divine life is the quality of life that exists in God; that is, the operating force and divine substance that is in God from which all His distinctive attributes and qualities of divinity emanate.

Furthermore, we also emphasized the fact that divine life is the spiritual substance that is in God and makes Him all that He is. And thus, we inferred that divine life in God is as blood in man, because the life of the flesh is in the blood (Lev 17:14).

The dominion mandate was man's original destiny. And this mandate could only be fulfilled as man acceded to the divine Prototype or order of God's creation. Man was never intended by God to be an independent being. Man was rather destined to serve as an extension of God in the earth. Otherwise stated; man could succeed in fulfilling God's purposes and agenda only to the degree at which they become what God has created them to be. Man's effectiveness in interacting with God and coming into union with Him determines the measure of the Power of divine life given to them which enables them to implement God's will in the earth.

Man was originally created by God in His Image and after His likeness. Man was a supernatural being with enormous spiritual capacity. Off-course, man referred to human race, both male and female alike. Man was never intended to be limited in conduct and influence. Man's destiny was to reflect God's image and likeness. As a matter of fact, man was divinely framed and designed by God to manifest God.

Genesis 1:
   26 And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.
   27 So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.
   28 And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth.

The word 'image' of God is derived from the Hebrew word, Tselem, which implies inner-substance and character-depth. Man shared God's inner-capacity to show forth His righteousness. The scripture states that it is impossible for God to lie. That is, lying was not in God's DNA. Man also shared God's genetic code called Zoe. Zoe or divine life is God's genetic code which contains all His attributes, traits and character. Man was a being of love. It was absolutely natural for man to manifest all the attributes of love. Love was originally man's default. Any other contrary tendency other than love and righteousness was alien to the divine nature of God in man. 

Furthermore, man having been created after God's likeness could only reflect God's glory in the earth. The word, 'likeness' is also taken from the Hebrew word, 'demooth' which refers to "the functional attributes & peculiar features" in man. God's likeness in man points to their distinctive frame that portrays their specific purposes through their inner-stability & strength.  Put differently, man having been created in God's likeness means God has highly endowed and gifted man with grace and peculiar abilities. It is as man beholds God that every inner-deposit of God in him automatically comes alive. The likeness of God in man was therefore, in seed form- the potentials that translate to capacity as man beheld God and fellowshipped with Him on a consistent bases. 

By the same token, God constantly revealed Himself to man each time He would come to them at the cool of the day ( Gen 3:8). It was the revelation of God to man that activated the seed of divine life in them which ultimately translated to the Image and likeness of God; hence, man was enabled to fulfill the dominion mandate. The dominion mandate is accomplished once man comes into and functions in the image of God and likeness of God which is, essentially, a function of the life of God.

Kingdom Emphasis is a blog that serves the body of Christ with meat in due season. It focuses on disseminating Present-truths and Current Speakings of God for our generation with the intent of providing insight, clarity, direction and depth. For more details about timely Prophetic and insightful messages, please visit our You may also email:,, Call: +234-8060600606, +234-8054422483, +2348035384144, +2348024453357.