Wednesday, 27 July 2011


29 ¶ For whom He foreknew, He also predestined to be conformed to the image of His Son, that He might be the firstborn among many brethren.
 30 Moreover whom He predestined, these He also called; whom He called, these He also justified; and whom He justified, these He also glorified.
Christianity is a journey. It commences from salvation and ends at the Image and fullness of Christ’s stature. Christianity is not a religion, but a vibrant and dynamic relationship with God. As a matter of fact, we can measure the progression of our journey in God from one point to another. We will not make significant progress in our walk with God if we lack the sense of destination. How ridiculous does it sound if a person is said to be on a journey but does not know where he is heading to. Our relationship with God is a journey that begins at salvation but ends at the stature of the fullness of Christ. {Rom 8:29; Eph 4:11 – 15}
There are many distractions being designed today to frustrate our journey in God. The only way to break through every barrier and opposition is to set our gaze on the glory set before us, that is, our destination- the fullness of Christ – perfection. {Heb 12:1-2} It is only as we grow up into Christ {the perfect man} that we portray His purity, Glory, Power, Authority and Love in fullness.
In the past, we have been taught that our goal as Christians is to make heaven. It has being emphasized that heaven should be the most important thing to a Christian and that is the whole essence of our walk with God. As spiritual as this notion sounds, it is not scripturally accurate. I am not saying that we should not intend to make heaven. Making heaven is the will of God for all His children. However, it must be clear to us that while heaven is God’s gift to us, the primary purpose for our salvation is becoming like Christ. As a matter of fact God’s agenda since creation has not changed. The plan of God is that man should extend His heavenly dominion and reign to the earth realm.
PSALM 115:16 The heaven, even the heavens, are the LORD'S; But the earth He has given to the children of men.
GEN 1:26 ¶ Then God said, "Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over the cattle, over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth."
            When the vision of conforming to the fullness of Christ’s image becomes all consuming in our hearts, we will begin to experience the emission of revelation and light in an explosive manner. Illumination will come on the church to bring forth the depths of God’s people. The earth is about to witness the church of the firstborn that is neither denominational nor discriminatory. The ‘laser’ of the Spirit is splitting all barriers holding bound the true church Christ purchased with His blood.
            The day of the invasion of the Spirit is coming upon the earth and the believers who have allowed the circumcision of their hearts with the inscription of the Spirit will begin to set a new standard in the earth. This will bring great power upon the church with such impact that will surpass the accomplishments of the early church. This power will only be seen through those responding to the cry of the Spirit – the call to perfection.

Kingdom Emphasis is a blog that serves the body of Christ with meat in due season. It focuses on disseminating Present-truths and Current Speakings of God for our generation with the intent of providing insight, clarity, direction and depth. For more details about timely Prophetic and insightful messages, please visit our You may also email:,, Call: +234-8060600606, +234-8054422483, +2348035384144, +2348024453357.

Monday, 18 July 2011


    There is a clarion call in the Spirit- the sound of the trumpet reverberating- a call for you to fulfil the responsibility of walking and living the Spirit, and it’s resonating now louder and clearer than ever before, says the Lord. The realm of the Spirit is the place of your natural habitat- it is your dwelling place- your spiritual dimension. I have opened new realms in the Spirit to open you up to new frontiers and spiritual operations, therefore, you will no longer be frightened by the challenges set before you, nor be intimidated by the oppositions of darkness, for I am your rock and salvation- your strength and fortress, says the Lord.
I will lead you by my eyes and guide you by hand, says the Lord; You will not be stranded in the wilderness of life because I have called you to stand before my presence and behold my face- I will shine the light of my glory on you and surround you with the fire of my presence, says the LORD.  It’s time you arise and walk in my power and do great exploits that will stun the world around you. Yea, I have not called you to mediocrity but rather to supernatural pattern of living, says the LORD. I will begin to elevate you to higher realms of spiritual authority as you obey my voice and follow my good pleasures. You will rise up with the might of the LORD of hosts to overcome and triumph in the power of my grace, walk in the light of my countenance and establish my righteousness in the earth as a standard that humanity must align to.
Walk in the Spirit, says the LORD- walk in my Power, says the LORD- walk in my statutes, says the LORD. This is not a suggestion, but an order from your LORD and KING. These are critical times of intense oppositions and attacks from the world of darkness, and it is only the humble and obedient that will survive. My grace will make you strong at the battle-front and keep your heart fixed on my love. You will be courageous and full of the Spirit to establish my will and purposes in these days and hour. My Spirit will enable you to hold the two-edged sword, which is my word in due season to wreck havoc in the camp of the enemy and establish my justice in the earth. Here lies your triumph and your victory, even your faith in my word- your faith in my righteousness- your faith in unseen, says the LORD. And, as you respond to the faith-walk in obedience to my revealed word and counsels, you will dwell in the Spirit realm and walk seamlessly in the supernatural.

Kingdom Emphasis is a blog that serves the body of Christ with meat in due season. It focuses on disseminating Present-truths and Current Speakings of God for our generation with the intent of providing insight, clarity, direction and depth. For more details about timely Prophetic and insightful messages, please visit our You may also email:,, Call: +234-8060600606, +234-8054422483, +2348035384144, +2348024453357.

Thursday, 7 July 2011


The Lord is visiting the church with the fire of His presence. There are two sides to the fire of His presence just as there are two sides to a coin- one side is meant to purify, while the other is meant to consume.  It is the same fire that will bring forth God’s glory in the church that will, first purge and purify His people. The Lord will then restore to the church the fear of the Lord and hunger for the truth.
Moreover, as the fire of the Lord’s presence purges and purifies, everything that is built with the wisdom of this age will crumble; the God of heaven and the earth will reign supreme and burn up the loftiness of man’s hearts and take His rightful place in the midst of His people. The judgment of God will begin the LORD’s house.
1 Pet 4:17
For the time has come for judgment to begin at the house of God; and if it begins with us first, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God?
The rebellious and proud will be punished; while, some will lose their ministries, others will forfeits there riches. The LORD will expose the filthiness being practiced in the secret by some men of God because they are rebellious to the Spirit of God, and they constantly frustrate the grace the LORD severally made available for them.  The Lord will have to call some others home- some leaders in the church that are leading the church astray. Today, we see a lot of the devices and methods of men invented as a substitute to the glory of God. All of these are fig leaves.
Gen 3:17
Then the eyes of both of them were opened, and they knew that they were naked; and they sewed fig leaves together and made themselves coverings.
 Being naked and sewing fig leaves for clothing indicates “Ichabod”, Ichabod means the glory has departed.
1Sam 4:21
And she named the child Ichabod, saying; The glory is departed from Israel; for the ark of God had been taken.
The Lord will begin to visit those churches that have a reputation as though, they are alive, whereas they are dead. Some of them are even synagogues of Satan. These are the days of separation when the Lord will expose the goat nature {rebellious heart}, and rebuke every manifestation of falsehood in His church. At the same time, the Lord God will begin to reveal His Glory in places where the truth of God is being proclaimed and His righteousness being taught. The people that actively herald the gospel of the kingdom will experience a mighty outpouring of the Spirit of God and divine favor of the LORD like never before. The time has finally come when the Lord will be known in the church as a consuming fire.
Heb 12:29
For our God is a consuming fire.

Kingdom Emphasis is a blog that serves the body of Christ with meat in due season. It focuses on disseminating Present-truths and Current Speakings of God for our generation with the intent of providing insight, clarity, direction and depth. For more details about timely Prophetic and insightful messages, please visit our You may also email:,, Call: +234-8060600606, +234-8054422483, +2348035384144, +2348024453357.

Friday, 1 July 2011


There are more churches in a country like Nigeria today than ever before. The number of mega-churches springing up all over our nation is unbelievable. When you go out there to the systems whether in the public or private sector, you’ll see a lot of born again Christians in significant positions of authority, as well as among lower cadre workers. However, we do not see the impact of the church in our society. We still see corruption- lawlessness and indiscipline eating up the fabric of our society. It is a statement of fact that whenever darkness is prevalent in any society we should hold the light responsible.
Furthermore, our Christianity is not in the same manner and approach as that of the early church. The contemporary church is very comfortable with sinners and unrepentant men and women tagging along without a sense of remorse. The early church encountered constant revival, while, the present church practices religion. Being born again is now what is in vogue, and Christianity is fashionable because there is lack of the power of transformation.
 Unfortunately, “motivational gospel” is what is being generally proclaimed: there is more of the display of the wisdom of this age, instead of the undiluted truths of the kingdom. This present church cannot accommodate the glory of God. This is therefore, an urgent need for a divine intervention. The God of all flesh must come and visit the Church as a purifying and consuming fire. There is a loud cry in the heavenly for restoration. The passion of the Lord must be restored; the Spirit of holiness must be restored; the unconditional love of God must be restored; community spirit and shared life must be restored; God’s transformation power must be restored; the prophetic must be restored; mighty signs and wonders must be restored; and a lot more. It is high time for the wild fire of revival to break out of the church.
 The true church that will lead and disciple the nations by example is being effectively prepared, and it’s about time for her to emerge. It is no longer a mark of success to gather crowds and multitudes in the name of the Lord. Now, it is extremely important how we groom and raise God’s children up spiritually. In our nations today, the vision of most of our churches is to get as many people as possible saved, even if it means lowering the standards. I personally believe that much of the present “motivational gospel, and leadership and success teachings” in the church are self-indulgent and man-centered; and therefore, satanic bait to attract the multitudes to the church, and turn away their focus from Christ, so that they can only respond to the hand of God, and not seek His face.
The primary purpose for the sacrifice of Christ is not to make men and women successful in this present world; nevertheless, if we obey and carefully follow biblical principles we will be blessed, prosperous and successful. However, the purpose God intends to fulfill in us, which is the reason Christ died and resurrected for us is to change and conform us into His Image. The expectation of God for the church is that its leadership constantly teaches, trains and equips God’s people to be spiritually transformed into His likeness. Ironically, “the present leadership” of the church is rather, working hard to build sophisticated auditoriums and lead the church astray by presenting to her the false hope of acquisition of material possessions.

Kingdom Emphasis is a blog that serves the body of Christ with meat in due season. It focuses on disseminating Present-truths and Current Speakings of God for our generation with the intent of providing insight, clarity, direction and depth. For more details about timely Prophetic and insightful messages, please visit our You may also email:,, Call: +234-8060600606, +234-8054422483, +2348035384144, +2348024453357.